Executive Summary
The standard model of Astronomy and Cosmology would have you believe that the structure of the Universe is due purely to Gravity, and that there is no Electricity flowing in space. The key premise of Electric Universe Theory is that Electricity is not only present in space but common, and this causes plasma to self-organise into wire-like structures which then creates Magnetic fields. That then leads to the structure of the cosmos, meaning Electromagnetism is key to what we see when we look up at night, with Gravity only contributing a small amount.
The basic idea of the Electric Universe Theory (EUT), also known as Plasma Cosmology (PC, although PC is really a subset of EUT), is that everything in the Universe is connected, mainly via electric currents flowing through plasma.
Think of stars in the Electric Universe as Christmas tree lights; at night you can see lights, often in lines or some other patterns, but not the wires connecting them.

In space these wires are formed from plasma, a form of matter that is uncommon on Earth, but is estimated to make up around 99.9% of the entire Universe [46] – this consists of electrons, protons and ions. When plasma moves it creates an electric current (moving charges) that, just as per the right-hand rule that is generally taught in high school, forms a magnetic field around it. This in turn attracts more plasma. This self-organising nature can result in huge “wires” that are light-years long, but which aren’t too different from what we can create in a well-stocked physics laboratory. Depending upon the voltage and current in these wires the plasma can either be dark, glowing with a fairly gentle light, or arcing with a really bright light [52].
When these wires cross (and in a few other situations) and there is enough energy they can constrict (a “z-pinch”) and form stars (or pairs of stars) or even galaxies [40, 47].
On top of the light formed from current through the plasma, there is also increasing evidence that a lot of energy is being formed on stars due to fusion on the surface or in the corona [53].
Other plasma phenomena that can be duplicated to some extent at a smaller scale in the lab are plasmoids. These are like a natural battery, capable of storing huge amounts of energy and creating spectacular phenomena when that energy discharges quickly. On a large scale they may power quasar formation and jets from galaxy cores. It is thought that plasmoids are the basis of ball lightning [49, 50], which in turn could well have been mistaken as UFOs by some people [51, 54]. Plasmoids can also be seen sometimes when power lines fail [55, towards end of 51].
Pulsars might also be the result of a natural occurrence in space similar to a transmission line failure, as suggested by Healy and Peratt in 1995 [56]; there are certainly many weird and wonderful plasma discharges that can be seen on e.g. YouTube [57, 58].
In fact, pretty much everything we see when we look out at the Universe with our ever more powerful range of instruments can be explained by plasma phenomena, along with a lot more stuff closer to home. This is explained in much more detail and better than I can do in a wide variety of places, as such I’ll summarise these resources first. Then I will go into a bit of what I consider to be the most relevant history, and finish off with a few places where I believe Miles Mathis’s model contributes.
The EUT covers a huge range of topics; in general I assign it a confidence level of C8 in it being a better model than the standard model (mainly in astronomy and cosmology), rising to C9 when combined with Mile Mathis’s model.
Wal Thornhill is one of the primary proponents of the Electric Universe Theory. His website at https://www.holoscience.com/wp is filled with examples of problems with the standard model and where how EUT explains “unusual” findings. Wal’s paper “Toward a Real Cosmology in the 21st Century” is a very good summary of nearly all of the central ideas in EUT up until 2011, and he is in the process of writing a book which contains the additional findings since then.
Tim Findlay has also produced an excellent summary of EUT up until 2017 in a book you can either purchase or download called “A Beginner’s View of our Electric Universe“.
The Thunderbolts Project was formed in 2004 to collate, explore and promote EUT. The website at https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/ contains even more useful information, e.g. predictions made by proponents of EUT that were eventually confirmed, despite contradicting the standard model, which as I point out on my KISS page is a good sign of a superior theory.
There is an enormous wealth of information also published through the YouTube channel; I suggest starting with the original Electric Comet video, which is what convinced me that EUT was worth considering, whereas previously I would have dismissed theories that contradicted the standard model out of hand (at least in astronomy and cosmology). It explains many weird properties of comets, e.g. why sometimes they can increase in brightness by a factor of a million. One of the most recent videos by Ghada Chehade explains why EUT is a revolutionary (group of) idea(s), which is one reason why you will rarely, if ever, hear about them from those that promote the standard model. EUT is not something that can neatly slot into the standard model that we’ve been taught in school, but instead requires the overturning of over a hundred years of dogma, and thus threatens the livelihoods and reputations of many scientists.
The History
For most of recorded history when our ancestors looked up into the sky they saw the Sun (which Greek philosopher Anaxagoras thought was a giant, flaming ball of metal [1]), the Moon, a bunch of small lights that moved around a bit that they eventually called planets, and a bunch of even smaller twinkling lights that didn’t move much at all that they called stars. They seemed to be very far apart and seemingly unconnected, although there were patterns and a regular set of cycles that they travelled in relation to the Earth, which was eventually explained by Isaac Newton’s work on universal gravitation in the late 1600s and early 1700s [2].
Newton’s gravity also led to a new theory of the Solar System and the Sun – the nebular hypothesis [3], primarily by Swedenborg [4, 5], Kant [6, 7] and Laplace [8, 9, 10]. This suggests that a large cloud of gas and dust collapses through gravity to form the Solar System, with the Sun at its heart. In fact, this is still the dominant theory [11] – even NASA says that the Sun is just a “ball of gas” [12].
However, we’ve known for over 100 years of serious problems with the nebular hypothesis [13]. We’ve also known for many decades that the Sun is not “gas”.
In the 1700s and 1800s many scientists were experimenting with electricity and magnetism, including Benjamin Franklin [14]. William Crookes had already had a distinguished career [15] when he became interested in electricity. In one of his experiments he found after pumping nearly all of the air out of a tube and applying a high voltage across the ends that at one end the tube was dark, but at the other it would become hot and glow in different colours, depending upon what the glass was made of, e.g. an apple-green glow from a soft German glass:

He lectured on these findings in 1879, suggesting that the small amount of gas left in the tube has actually been transformed into a new type of matter, for which he borrowed Faraday’s term of Radiant Matter [17, 18], although the term “cathode rays” became more popular (as there seemed to be “rays” emanating from the negative cathode towards the positive anode).
This led to even great experimentation across Europe, including by Kristian Birkeland starting in 1893 [19]. Birkeland, being born in Norway, had the advantage over many of his European colleagues in that he already seen colourful glowing lights like this in Nature – the northern lights, or aurora borealis:

Further experimentation led him to conclude that the aurora must be produced in a similar way – energy from the Sun was being channelled by the magnetic fields of the Earth down to the poles, and when it was strong enough it created Radiant Matter that caused the auroras. To support this theory he undertook three expeditions between 1897 and 1903 to the Arctic [20], establishing several observatories and collecting data over a year, and then followed that up with what became known as the “terrella experiments” [19, 22], e.g.:

Having demonstrated in the laboratory many phenomena that had been observed not just near the Earth’s North magnetic pole, but also around the Sun, he came to the conclusion that at the very least the Sun itself was surrounded by Radiant Matter [20, 22], and that “cathode rays” were travelling from the Sun to the Earth [33].
Unfortunately this new idea was not very well received at the time. William Thomson was the first British scientist to be ennobled as 1st Baron Kelvin and admitted to the House of Lords, as well as being the President of the Royal Society, thanks mainly due to his work on Thermodynamics [25], and thus had tremendous influence. Bearing in mind his life’s work it is not that surprising that Lord Kelvin proclaimed the Sun to be a ball of hot liquid [26]. Despite his extensive research into atmospheric electricity [27], in his 1892 President’s Address to the Royal Society he argued that magnetic storms (and thus aurora) could not possibly be the result of solar action as the Sun could not be providing the magnetic energy required [28, 29].
This mindset continued in British and US scientists for decades [30, 31]. Birkeland was eventually vindicated when a US Navy satellite carrying a magnetometer above the ionosphere measured the exact currents that Birkeland had predicted [30]. In honour of his work a symposium was held in 1967, 100 years after his birth, and it was declared that the currents detected should be called Birkeland currents. However, the antipathy to his ideas continued – Sydney Chapman’s keynote talk at the symposium, rather than praising his work and admitting his vindication as was expected instead was extremely dismissive of his contributions and patronising [32]. In Western writings outside of Scandinavia slights continue to this day, with the use of the term “field-aligned currents” instead, which implies that there is some magical baked-in field along which currents are travelling, rather than the currents themselves creating the field.
It wasn’t until several years after the work of Crookes and Birkeland’s initial experimentation that the Radiant Matter, then cathode rays, were determined to be small, negatively charged, parts of atoms [34, 35] rather than new forms of atoms themselves – these were eventually named electrons.

Irving Langmuir advanced the field of experimentation further with his invention of very efficient vacuum pumps, allowing him to observe what happened when both negative electrons and positive ions were produced from heating and electrifying many different substances in glass bulbs [36]. Irving and his team noticed that sometimes the “vapour discharges” would form structures, that reminded Irving of the way blood plasma carried around re and white corpuscles, so in 1928 he named the discharges plasma [37], and thus the field of plasma physics was officially born.
Hannes Alfvén was the next major contributor to plasma physics, although like Birkeland, whose theories he progressed, his work was also attacked by Sydney Chapman. Alfvén realised that if plasma was not only common in the Universe, but in fact the dominant form of matter, then it could carry currents capable of generating a galactic magnetic field [38].
Later on these ideas were developed further to suggest that the structure of a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way could be explained by properties of plasma alone, and that there was no “missing mass” problem or need for an undetectable “dark matter” [39]. As we are usually taught in high school in the “right hand rule”, a current in a wire causes a magnetic field to form, wrapped around the wire:

JedenHonzík, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons [43]
Alfvén pointed out that if plasma is moving then that is by definition an electric current (as a plasma consists of charged particles – electrons, protons, ions), so it would then result in a magnetic field forming around the plasma, which in turn would attract more plasma, and so on – a self-organising structure for plasma to create what are effectively wires in space, which were the basis of the structures that Birkeland had originally theorised to explain auroras:

William H. Bostick also worked out that plasmas in certain situations would form vortices that could turn into smoke-ring like formations (a torus, or doughnut) that could be stable over long time periods [45].
Anthony L. Peratt, a student of Alfvén’s, created simulations of galaxy formation based on the ideas of both Alfvén and Bostick in the 1980s [40].
Peratt covers a huge amount of extra information in his book “Physics of the Plasma Universe” [42] which I highly recommend reading.
Over the last 40 years there has been a huge amount of progress thanks to improvements in technology, a number of probes sent across our solar system and the ability of people to communicate across the world in near-real time. There is way too much for me to go into here, so I will merely point towards the Resources section above, apart from a brief discussion of the Electric Sun model.
The Electric Sun Model and the Star in a Jar
The above research led a number of people (Melvin Cook and Ralph Juergens primarily) to come to the conclusion that not only could plasma formations lead to the creation of stars, but also power them, rather than the conventional view of them being the equivalent of continuously exploding atomic bombs. This model was later refined by Wal Thornhill and Donald Scott especially, and it is discussed in a lot of detail on the See the Pattern YouTube channel [59]. The primary refinement is that whilst fusion is not the main power source inside the Sun, it does occur on the surface of the Sun, leading to the very hot corona, and the continuous creation of a number of different elements via transmutation that are then ejected across the Solar System.
After two years of research Montgomery Childs in 2012 at a conference proposed a way of testing the Electric Sun model in a laboratory setting, which eventually led to the “star in a jar” SAFIRE project. Over 6 years an extensive and comprehensive series of experiments were held and huge amounts of data collected and analyzed. None of the results contradicted EUT, and in fact there were several unusual phenomena that had been predicted in EUT that were confirmed [63]:
- Excess energy production
- Elements that were not originally present being detected, indicating transmutation
- A core that is much cooler than the surrounding atmosphere (corona)
- A stable source of light and heat that can vary dramatically in the ultraviolet and X-ray portion of the spectrum
- The potential to remediate nuclear waste

The video linked off the front page of both the SAFIRE project and Aureon Energy websites is a very good summary of the entire project and what they are doing from late 2020 [64].
Miles Mathis redux
Whilst EUT does an excellent job at explaining phenomena across the solar system and beyond, it suffers from being based on the standard model of subatomic physics and the conventional view of electrons, protons and especially how magnetic fields form, which has no real explanation. As I discuss elsewhere, I believe that the model of Miles Mathis fits perfectly beneath EUT, and further expands EUT to explain other phenomena.
Miles’s model provides a physical explanation for electric current and (through spin) why Birkeland currents form in cylinders and attract more matter towards them and the right-hand rule [65].
He also explains:
- Why we have two tides per day [66]
- Why Saturn’s rings have “spokes” [67]
- How the Earth’s heat has been maintained over millions of years [68]
- Cosmic background and “black-body” radiation [69]
- Why the planet are where they are and their axial tilt [70]
- The magnetic fields of various planets [71]
- What causes the solar cycle, especially the variation in the number of sunspots from one cycle to the next [72]
Miles also explains discrepancies in the gamma ray output of the Sun, and how gamma rays may actually be becoming Hydrogen in the Sun, meaning that fusion of Hydrogen into other elements is actually being offset by creation of new Hydrogen, as long as there is sufficient incoming charge [73]. This same process may also occur in the original Z-pinch that forms the star under the EUT model.
If you now go to Universe Building you can see how I believe the models of Miles Mathis and PC/EUT can be combined to describe the structure of the Universe from the ultra-small to the incredibly-huge.
- https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/anaxagoras/
- https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/newton-principia/
- https://www.britannica.com/science/solar-nebula
- https://www.swedenborg.org.uk/product/the-principia/
- https://blogs.futura-sciences.com/e-luminet/2016/09/28/cosmogenesis-8-the-nebular-hypothesis/
- http://users.clas.ufl.edu/burt/spaceshotsairheads/Kantuniversalnaturalhistory.pdf
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Natural_History_and_Theory_of_the_Heavens
- https://www.britannica.com/biography/Pierre-Simon-marquis-de-Laplace#ref29402
- http://services.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/mathematics/historical-mathematical-texts/exposition-du-systeme-du-monde-2nd-edition?site_view=desktop
- https://www.irphe.fr/~clanet/otherpaperfile/articles/Laplace/N0077594_PDF_1_520.pdf
- https://www.space.com/19321-sun-formation.html
- https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/solar-system/sun/in-depth/
- https://www.universetoday.com/38118/how-was-the-solar-system-formed/
- https://www.gutenberg.org/files/45515/45515-h/45515-h.htm
- https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/1911_Encyclop%C3%A6dia_Britannica/Crookes,_Sir_William
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Crookes_tube-in_use-lateral_view-standing_cross_prPNr%C2%B011.jpg
- https://archive.org/details/onradiantmatterl00croorich
- https://theosophy.wiki/en/Radiant_Matter
- K. Rypdal, T. Brundtland. The Birkeland Terrella Experiments and their Importance for the ModernSynergy of Laboratory and Space Plasma Physics. Journal de Physique IV Proceedings, EDP Sciences,1997, 07 (C4), pp.C4-113-C4-132. – https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/jpa-00255564/document
- The Norwegian Aurora Polaris Expedition 1902-1903 – https://archive.org/details/norwegianaurorap01chririch/page/n5/mode/2up
- Image sourced from [20] available at Wikimedia Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Birkeland-terrella.jpg
- On Possible Electric Phenomena in Solar Systems and Nebulae by Kristian Birkeland, from the Plasma Universe website at https://www.plasma-universe.com/on-possible-electric-phenomena-in-solar-systems-and-nebulae-by-kristian_birkeland/
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Beeston_MMB_03.jpg
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Northern_Lights_-_Aurora_Borealis_Norway_Ringvass%C3%B8ya_Troms%C3%B8.jpg
- https://www.britannica.com/biography/William-Thomson-Baron-Kelvin
- On the Age of the Sun’s Heat, Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), Macmillan’s Magazine, vol. 5 (March 5, 1862), pp. 388-393. From reprint in Popular Lectures and Addresses, vol. 1, 2nd edition, pp. 356-375 – https://zapatopi.net/kelvin/papers/on_the_age_of_the_suns_heat.html
- Lord Kelvin’s atmospheric electricity measurements, KL Aplin and RG Harrison – https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1305/1305.5347.pdf
- President’s Address, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 52, 1892 – 1893, pp 301-310 – https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rspl.1892.0077
- Arthur Schuster, 1911, The origin of magnetic storms, Proceeding of the Royal Society of London A, volume 85, pp 44-50 – https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rspa.1911.0019
- https://www.plasma-universe.com/birkeland-current/
- Kristian Birkeland’s pioneering investigations of geomagnetic disturbances, A Egeland and WJ Burke, 2010, History of Geo and Space Sciences, Volume 1, pp 13-24 – https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/207939136.pdf
- Norway’s most celebrated scientist, David Southwood, Pål Brekke, Astronomy & Geophysics, Volume 58, Issue 5, October 2017, Pages 5.28–5.31 – https://academic.oup.com/astrogeo/article/58/5/5.28/4159285
- Kristian Birkeland – The First Space Scientist, A. Egeland and WJ Burke, 2005, Chapter 5 – https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/1-4020-3294-3_6
- BYJU’S Classes – the Cathode Ray Experiment – https://byjus.com/chemistry/cathode-ray-experiment/
- Cathode Rays, JJ Thomson, The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 1897, Volume 44, number 269, pp 293-316 – http://web.lemoyne.edu/~GIUNTA/thomson1897.html
- https://www.plasma-universe.com/irving-langmuir/
- History of Plasmas, HM Mot-Smith, Nature, Volume 233, 1971, p.219 – https://www.nature.com/articles/233219a0.pdf
- Hannes Alfvén, 1937 “Cosmic Radiation as an Intra-galactic Phenomenon”, Ark. f. mat., astr. o. fys. 25B, no. 29.
- Comments on H. Arp “The Persistent Problem of Spiral Galaxies”, Hannes Alfven, 1987 – https://inis.iaea.org/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/19/102/19102728.pdf
- https://www.plasma-universe.com/galaxy-formation/
- https://www.plasma-universe.com/wp-content/uploads/Peratt-galaxy-simulation.gif based on work from [42] at https://www.plasma-universe.com/galaxy-formation/
- Physics of the Plasma Universe – Second Edition, Anthony L Peratt, 2014 – https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9781461478188
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Amp%C3%A9rovo_pravidlo_prav%C3%A9_ruky.jpg
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_parameters#/media/File:Magnetic_rope.svg, which in turn is from the NASA section Plasma Physics and Hetegony from SP-345 Evolution of the Solart System (https://history.nasa.gov/SP-345/ch15.htm#250), which in turn is from the second Edition of Cosmological Electrodynamics, Alfvén and Fälthammar, 1963
- Experimental Study of Ionized Matter Projected across a Magnetic Field, Physics Review 104, 292 – https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.104.292. See also https://www.plasma-universe.com/plasmoid/
- Plasma, Plasma, Everywhere – Science @ NASA article at https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/1999/ast07sep99_1
- How the electric plasma universe creates galaxies and stars by Mae-Wan Ho, November 2015, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/286001508_How_the_electric_plasma_universe_creates_galaxies_and_stars
- Birkeland Currents: A Force-Free Field-Aligned Model, Donald E Scott, Progress in Physics, April 2015 (Volume 11, Issue 2), http://www.ptep-online.com/2015/PP-41-13.PDF, which in turn is adapted from NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day 23rd December 1997, https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap971223.html courtesy of B. Balick
- See e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNaIChPiiww
- Bob Greenyer of the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project has put together several videos and presentations regarding ball lightning; see especially https://e-catworld.com/2019/01/18/natural-plasma-balls-and-lenr-hesseldan-norway-phenomena-examined-bob-greenyer/
- Peter Mungo Jupp: UFO or Plasmoid?, from the Thunderbolts Project’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3ExTkjYXWY
- Glow discharge modes and their discontinuities are explained at e.g https://www.plasma-universe.com/electric-glow-discharge/
- See the results of the 7-year SAFIRE project (https://safireproject.com/) and the commercialisation of this by the company Aureon (https://aureon.ca/). The 17 minute video linked off the front page has a very good summary.
- Project Hessdalen has details of many year’s worth of observations of ball-lightning around Hessdalen, Norway at http://www.hessdalen.org/index_e.shtml
- Power lines arc in high winds, from StormStock’s YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNaIChPiiww
- Radiation Properties of Pulsar Magnetospheres: Observation, Theory and Experiment, Healy and Peratt, Astrophysics and Space Science 227: 229-253, 1995, http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1995Ap%26SS.227..229H
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMbN9nb3qyk, from Captured Lightning at http://www.capturedlightning.com/frames/longarc.htm#500_kV_Switch
- Redbeard’s YouTube channel has several compilations of power line and transmission discharges starting at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cM8P6-aAf4
- See the Pattern – Electric Sun at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?app=desktop&list=PLeeyNowkGd8NrezCVf2TppRyk5oumx4t3
- Electric Sun model at e.g. https://www.velikovsky.info/electric-sun-model/, https://www.electric-cosmos.org/sun.html, https://www.everythingselectric.com/electric-sun/
- SAFIRE project genesis and overview at https://www.safireproject.com/about-us/genesis.html and https://aureon.ca/history
- Findings of Phase Three of the SAFIRE project at https://www.safireproject.com/science/phase-three.html
- Experimental results at Aureon Energy, https://aureon.ca/experiment-results
- Summary video linked from the pages at https://www.safireproject.com/index.html and https://aureon.ca/
- How magnetism works mechanically by Miles Mathis, http://milesmathis.com/magnet.html, with a summary of previous papers on the right-hand rule at http://milesmathis.com/rhrule.pdf
- The trouble with Tides et al http://milesmathis.com/tide.html, http://milesmathis.com/tide3.html and http://milesmathis.com/tide5.html and a few other papers
- The spokes of Saturn, http://milesmathis.com/spoke.pdf
- What causes the Earth’s heat, http://milesmathis.com/core.pdf
- Black-body radiation – http://milesmathis.com/bbody.pdf, cosmic background radiation – http://milesmathis.com/hubb.html
- The Cause of Axial Tilt, http://milesmathis.com/tilt.html and http://milesmathis.com/tilt2.html, plus A Complete Correction to and Explanation of Bodes’s Law, http://milesmathis.com/bode.html
- Magnetism of Mercury – http://milesmathis.com/merc2.pdf, Mars – http://milesmathis.com/marsmag.pdf, Uranus and Neptune – http://milesmathis.com/uran.pdf
- Numerous papers on the solar cycle and sunspots; for the modern ideas a good place to start is http://milesmathis.com/goody.pdf, followed by http://milesmathis.com/global.pdf, http://milesmathis.com/solmin.pdf, http://milesmathis.com/inner.pdf
- Solar Emission of Gamma Rays, http://milesmathis.com/gamma.pdf